Kids Soccer Classes – Public Groups(9 Class Pack)


Kids Soccer Classes: Your Gateway to the Beautiful Game via our Public Group Classes

Are you looking to introduce your child to soccer or perhaps even take up the sport yourself? Look no further! Our kids soccer classes are designed to offer a comprehensive introduction to the sport, providing a fantastic way to try soccer out for the first time, make new friends, and stay active.

Why Choose SoCal Youth Sports?

  1. Child-Centric Approach: Our soccer classes focus on creating an engaging and enjoyable environment for children.
  2. Professional Coaching: All classes are led by certified coaches who are passionate about the sport and skilled in evidence-led coaching.
  3. Affordable & Accessible: We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to play, which is why our classes are priced affordably and located conveniently.

Learn more about our coaching philosophy

Who Can Join?

Our kids soccer classes are open to the following age groups

  • 3-4 Years
  • 4-6 Years
  • 6-8 Years
  • 8-10 Years
  • 10-12 Years
  • 12-14 Years

What Do You Learn?

  • Basic dribbling techniques
  • Passing and shooting
  • Teamwork and strategy
  • Soccer etiquette and rules


By joining our public soccer classes, you’re not just learning a sport; you’re becoming a part of a community that loves soccer as much as you do. So why wait? Sign up today and kickstart your soccer journey with us!

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